Pedals And Effects Top Five Albums of 2015

This one is a first for Pedals And Effects, since we are a musical gear and equipment site, why not have a post on music? Nick and I have made our careers in playing music for a living, so we thought why not jump onto these “top album of the year lists” websites tend to run at the end of the year? (We waited until the new year to make ours too!).

Here are Nick’s picks for 2015

2. Deerhoof – Fever 121614

I haven’t heard this yet, but it’s a live Deerhoof record, so it will be amazing.

Listen on Bandcamp here:

5. Death Grips – Jenny Death

Listen on Spotify here: 

Here are Juan’s picks for 2015

4. J. Cole – 2014 Forest Hills Drive*

*Though released on December 9, 2014, I listened to it all 2015.

Listen on Spotify here:

5. Gazelle Twin – Unflesh **

**f&^k it…since I am putting J Cole on, I will add Gazelle Twin. This also came out in late 2014, I bought it in early 2015 and listened to it all 2015!

Listen on Spotify here:

Honorable Mention: Though Nick put on a record he played on (Death Grips), I felt weird doing the same, but since this is my website I would have swapped Gazelle Twin for Jon Wayne Is Retired but I played on it so I swapped them.  

We're really looking forward to all the upcoming music in the new year!