Show Me Your Pedalboard: Brian

Today's Show Me Your Pedalboard entry comes from Brian. Brian definitely makes the most out of the real estate of his board with pedals packed to the brim! Brian's definitely rocking some Pedals And Effects favorites, along with some goodies that Brian uses to craft his own unique individual sound. Brian makes extensive use of expression/individual effects loops to pull some sounds that might not be typical of the pedal. There's quite a bit to go through so let's dive in:

Polytune Noir TunerTC Electronics tuners come in all shapes, sizes and colors but what     separates them from the pack is the unbridled accuracy and super bright LED's. 
Up next is an Electro-Harmonix double team of the Electro-Harmonix Pitchfork and Electro-Harmonix POG 2. Moving down the chain is a Pedals And Effects favorite, the Red Panda Particle Delay with a this1smyne Expression KnobThe Red Panda particle is such a mind blowing pedal. You can get such bizarre sounds from it, it takes your signal, chops it up, and spits it back out. Most importantly it's incredibly musical. With an expression pedal you have more in-depth control of the modulation and the trails themselves. Sweet pick, Brian. Brian's board moves onto an Earthquaker Devices White Light - Such a solid overdrive by Earthquaker, really great for shreddy stuff if you're into that. These are also discontinued now! Peep them on Reverb.

Photo Credit: Tonereport

Moving through Brian's signal chain we've got another Earthquaker Devices pedal the Earthquaker Devices Hoof and another EHX tag team,  the Electro-Harmonix Superego + Mooer Mod Factory in the effects loop and the Electro-Harmonix Neoclone. 
Up next is the VFE Enterprise an analog phaser made by VFE Pedals out of Puyallup, WA. They had to change the name to the Tractor Beam (maybe Star Trek/Paramount wasn't thrilled about the name). VFE has some mainstays, but they also make custom pedals of anything you might be able to dream up. Support your music community and check them out!

We move on to the delay section of Brian's board with a Boss DD-7 + this1smyne tap tempo and Dwarfcraft Devices Memento. The Memento is a really dope killswitch pedal, super easy to use you can tap out a pattern and the memento will cut your signal out in the programmed pattern. It's super cool if you're into DJ's who will crossfade between records, you can get a cool tremolo sound out of it, it's Tom Morello in a pedal and more. Check out our recent feature where Ben answers questions about the company and his beginnings in making pedals. Ben's board ends with a Strymon El Capistan + this1smyne expression knob and one last EHX tag team with the Electro-Harmonix Holy Grail and the Electro-Harmonix 22500 Looper.

Brian! Your board is electric spaghetti! The order of pedals on the board are not sequential with the signal chain. In a live setting this could be a huge headache, I know you're making the best of the space you got but if you order your pedals in order with the signal path it'll be easier to determine what's causing what when something goes down. Also, your Neo Clone - Holy Grail duo can be replaced by an Earthquaker Devices Afterneath. Otherwise, you got some really interesting things happening on this board, would really like to hear it within a musical context. Those are just my two cents anyways, do what works best for you!

All of these pedals and more, are available at Reverb.comIf you haven't sent in your board, you can do so by emailing us at Until next time!
