Show Me Your Pedalboard: Ivan

Today’s Show Me Your Pedalboard entry comes from Ivan all the way from Croatia! Wow! Ivan plays under the name Luul which is a solo-looping project of his that, in his words takes after artists like Mylets. Very cool. Ivan’s board is very indicative of looping which also covers all of his sonic bases. Let’s look at what Ivan is rocking:

First things first, the quintessential BOSS TU-3 tuner immediately followed by a Digitech Whammy IV. The Whammy IV is a beloved pedal, if you can Ivan, you should check out the new Digitech Whammy V. There’s a switch that allows you to jump from the classic Whammy sound and new/improved chord tracking. I like how glitch-y the Whammy IV can get, and it’s awesome to have that option with the Whammy V.

Up next is a delay double team with the BOSS DD-5 (with a BOSS FS-5U foot switch for tap tempo) and the Digitech Digidelay.  The Digitech Digidelay is an unsung delay hero, great pick! Up next is an OG Electro-Harmonix Small StoneElectro-Harmonix used to make some really amazing stuff, their old big box stuff you really can’t go wrong with. These old Small Stone phasers are on par with, and even better in some aspects than the MXR Phase 90. I Love seeing old Electro-Harmonix stuff on peoples boards.

Photo credit: Captain FX

Photo credit: Captain FX

Moving right along, up next is a Captain FX Fuzz Dementia which is supposed to be like a Zvex Fuzz Factory but with a little more compression. Captain FX is a very tiny boutique pedal making company that’s made some interesting pedals – fuzzes, boosts, delays, you name it. I definitely need to check them out. Continuing down the chain is an Ibanez Tone-lok TS7 Tube Screamer. You even got the limited edition color! Max Kane wrote a piece on the Ibanez Tone-lok series, you can get the full scoop on those pedals here. Ivan’s chain then ends in a Digitech Jamman and a T.Rex reverb (I’ve seen these a bunch but I don’t think I’ve actually ever heard them before, it’s a spring reverb which is interesting).

Photo credit: Musiciansfriend

Photo credit: Musiciansfriend

Very cool stuff Ivan, the only thing I’d recommend is consolidating your power supply’s. Try something like the MXR ISO Brick or a Voodoo Labs pedal power instead of using of a power strip. It’s definitely less of a headache, when you’re on the go and gigging regularly.

Thanks, Ivan, for sending in your board! So honored to see musicians boards from all over the globe. If you haven’t sent in your board, you can do so by emailing me at Until next time!