Demo: Nemesis Delay by Source Audio

Every now and then, a stomp-box comes to Pedals And Effects that is so powerful, so radically researched and designed, that it takes a while to fully grasp that pedal's ability. That is exactly what the Source Audio Nemesis Delay is all about. With a staggering amount of features and customization, if you can dream it, the Nemesis Delay can create it. I believe Source Audio set out to conquer the delay world and the Nemesis Delay is pretty damn thorough! 

Photo credit:

Instead of me trying to list everything the Nemesis is capable of in this article, I chose to send you to their website so you can get the most complete explanation of what went into their design. I will say that it seems they took every great delay, replicated it "to the T", gave us functions beyond all other delay pedals, then offered us the ability to dive into the brain of the Nemesis and create our own unique settings/presets.

Source Audio decided to post Nick Reinhart's and my settings on their website: The Neuro Effects System App hooks directly from your mobile device into the pedal to seamlessly save/load settings. You can find out more about it on the Source Audio website. Look for "nickreinhart" and "juanalderete" on the "Browse Sounds" page of the Neuro App - that is the easiest way to open the presets. 

Photo credit: Source Audio

The beauty of the Nemesis Delay, is the ability to really dig into the pedal and create your own unique sounds and share them with the world. It's all about finding your unique voice, what you might come up with be more to your taste and completely different than what Nick and I came up with. The sky's the limit, and the Nemesis Delay really facilitates sonic exploration.

You can purchase the Nemesis Delay on!
