Fuzz Wars: The Anarchy Series!

Fuzz Wars: The Anarchy Series!

All of us here at Pedals and Effects love fuzzes and the incredible variety they come in. Whether it's a vintage Sovtek fuzz or a newer interpretation on that circuit like Earthquaker Devices' Hoof, it seems like no one can get enough fuzz! I started "Fuzz Wars" primarily because I get a lot of fuzz boxes sent to me. I can't seem to keep up with the reviews of all the fuzzes I receive, so I decided to knock out a few at a time and that is how "Fuzz Wars" emerged. 

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Demo: TransTone Fuzz by Moxtronix

Demo: TransTone Fuzz by Moxtronix

If you know Pedals And Effects, you know that of all the things we love, up at the top is without a doubt, fuzz! The engineering genius behind the Endangered Audio Research AD4096 spun off and started Moxtronix. The debut pedal from Moxtronix could not have made more of a statement, and that statement is one of the coolest fuzzes around that I'm proud to rep!

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