Fuzz Wars: The Anarchy Series!

Fuzz Wars: The Anarchy Series!

All of us here at Pedals and Effects love fuzzes and the incredible variety they come in. Whether it's a vintage Sovtek fuzz or a newer interpretation on that circuit like Earthquaker Devices' Hoof, it seems like no one can get enough fuzz! I started "Fuzz Wars" primarily because I get a lot of fuzz boxes sent to me. I can't seem to keep up with the reviews of all the fuzzes I receive, so I decided to knock out a few at a time and that is how "Fuzz Wars" emerged. 

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Review: Abstrakt Instruments Avalon Synth + Retro Mechanical Labs Electron Fuzz

Review: Abstrakt Instruments Avalon Synth + Retro Mechanical Labs Electron Fuzz

It is an absolute honor to be joined by synth master Alessandro Cortini of Nine Inch Nails, to show us the ins and outs of various effects and synthesizers! Alessandro is incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to synths, and he walked us through the details of the Abstrakt Instruments Avalon. 

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