In conversation: Robert Keeley of Keeley Electronics

It has been an absolute pleasure speaking with Robert Keeley at GuitCon. An Oklahoma local, it took us going to Markneukirchen, Germany to speak at length with him for Pedals And Effects. In addition to going over how compression works, how to get the most out of compressing your bass, we sat down with Robert to learn a little more about his roots, and his company's roots, Keeley Electronics. 

Photo credit: TheGuitarMagazine

Back in 2001, Robert Keeley got his start modding effects pedals, back in the day when the pedal game wasn't nearly what it was today. He started off working on compressors, to the point where it attracted the likes of Steve Vai, and Joe Satriani. Robert then managed to get the attention of Peter Frampton where he worked on a few of his trademark talk-boxes. Robert may downplay it, but he has one of the best work ethics of anyone in the business, constantly surprising all of us with his output. 

We love talking with Robert about anything and everything. We're so grateful that Robert took the time to speak to us over at Guitcon. Keep an eye on Keeley Electronics for their latest and greatest, and as always stay tuned to Pedals And Effects.
