Flashback Friday: Emma Electronic Okto-Nøjs

Flashback Friday: Emma Electronic Okto-Nøjs

I know it hasn't been a long time since my last post on the Emma Electronic Okto-Nøjs, but I wanted to add something to that post that I left off. I wasn't sure it was necessary, but I made a video that had an example of me using the sound I created with the Okto-Nøjs played over a beat. I did a similar video before in a post for the Pigtronix Mothership Synthesizer pedal years ago and thought it was worthy then because I wasn't sure bassists were going to get how to use such a dynamic effect in a band or musical situation.

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Demo: Earthquaker Devices Erupter Fuzz!

Demo: Earthquaker Devices Erupter Fuzz!

We always get excited when we catch wind that Jamie Stillman and the crew from Earthquaker Devices is working on a new pedal. The intensity around here went through the roof when we heard that the "ultimate fuzz" would be coming from them. The time is now and here it is, The Erupter! No need to dime this fuzz because Jamie did it for you. You can't put this pedal on blast because it comes, out of the box, on blast with the solo knob at twelve o'clock!

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Throwback Thursday: Sinatra At The Sands with Count Basie

Throwback Thursday: Sinatra At The Sands with Count Basie

I have so many jazz records that are very personal to me, but one of my earliest favorites was with Frank Sinatra. Maybe it was because I was a youngster and it was easy to relate to his singing, maybe it was because my pops would always whistle these songs throughout the house but either way here is my jazz recommendation for today's Throwback Thursday.

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Vibrato Review: Boss VB-2 vs Behringer Ultra Vibrato UV300

Vibrato Review: Boss VB-2 vs Behringer Ultra Vibrato UV300

It is important to spread out your purchasing power when it comes to pedals.  Basic pedalboards will consist of a tuner, a compressor, a fuzz or distortion or both, a modulation pedal like a chorus or vibrato, a delay and maybe some wild pedal.  Add that up and that becomes a lot of money for us musicians.

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Demo: TWA Fly Boys Echo FB-03

Demo: TWA Fly Boys Echo FB-03

Godlyke Distributing Inc. are known for some pretty radical sounding pedals. The Great Divide Analog Synth Octaver or the Little Dipper Envelope Filter are two fantastic examples of what Godlyke has to offer. Godlyke has now come up with a few smaller effects that deliver. Godlyke’s TWA Fly Boys series mini pedals, which include DistortionOverdriveChorusMetal and a great delay simply called Echo, are made with the aerial traveling & touring musician in mind.

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Demo: Okto-Nøjs by Emma Electronic

Demo: Okto-Nøjs by Emma Electronic

Okto-Nøjs - Just when you thought it was safe to turn up, the Okto-Nøjs by Emma Electronic gets you busted by the decibel police. The sure fire way to rattle the stage is to have an amazing ripper of a pedal like the Okto-Nøjs because it contains two lethal effects in one box!

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Reign in Fuzz!

Reign in Fuzz!

Got a short, but sweet one for you today! We have four of the most demonic fuzzes going head to head in an evil fuzz shootout! We featured four fuzzes that all have optimal LED placements on the chassis, so that when the pedals are engaged they simulate spooky glowing eyes or maybe something even more diabolic!

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